There are several things you can prepare for our listing appointment to help build our real estate strategy to ensure we bring you the most value in today’s market. Be prepared to discuss and have the following information ready for our appointment. Please complete the following questionnaire to give us some more information on your home and how to best serve you. We are committed to creating and delivering you a 5 Star Experience.

Listing Preparation



Do you have a community homeowner’s association (HOA) or condo association?

If yes, answer the following. If no move on to the Mortgage section.

Do you currently have a mortgage on the property?

If yes answer the following. If no move on to the Lead base paint questions

Was the property constructed prior to 1979?

If yes answer the following. If no move on to property information. 

Property Information

Age Of

Do you have any current contracts or vendor recommendations for the following?



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